Incident Detail: 1985 Call No. 06

Call No.  6
Time Out
Time In
 Structure Fire 
 647 N. 2nd Street 

No Photo Available for This Incident

May 18, 1985

A structure fire occurred at 647 North Second Street in Lykens Borough. Fire on the second floor took out a hallway, bathroom, and two bedrooms. The daughter of the owner was home at the time and smelled smoke. She went upstairs to investigate and saw the flames. She pulled all the bedroom doors shut before exiting building, which helped slow the fire's spread until the arrival of the fire companies. The fire started in the rear bedroom closet. There was no electrical outlets or lights in that closet, but the occupant had run an extension cord under the door to plug in a floor lamp. Insulation on the cord wore through and shorted out. One alarm went out with special calls for two additional engines. Four lines were pulled to extinguish the fire. Companies 22, 23, 24, and 21 were on the scene.

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