Incident Detail: 2003 Call No. 10

Call No.  10
Time Out
Time In
 Structure Fire 
 1615 N. River Road 

No Photo Available for This Incident

February 5, 2003

Tanker-22 was dispatched to assist at a structure fire at the Red Rose Motel in Halifax Township. The tanker responded with two personnel, arrived on scene, and staged. The tanker was released by command without dropping any water.

The fire started in Unit 10 in the bed, and was caused by a person smoking. Arriving companies found the place fully involved. It was a total loss. Two civilians were transported to Harrisburg Hospital for smoke inhalation. They were treated and released. Very icy conditions were present and PennDot was special called to take care of this. The fire was under control at 11:38AM. Damage was estimated at one million dollars. Numerous hand lines and tower streams were used. Units responding were: Chief 29, Truck 20, MICU 6-5, Ambulance 20-1, Engine 29, Engine 26, Tanker 21, Engine 21, Perry Engine 21, Tanker 20, Engine 38, Squad 29, Engine 20, Engine 216, Perry Tanker 92, Perry Tanker 22, Engine 37-1, Engine 37, Ladder 32, Tanker 29, MICU 6-3, Tanker 22, Ambulance 20-2, Tanker 26, Squad 26,Rescue 21, PennDot, Red Cross, and the Fire Marshall. It was a second alarm fire. Companies were on the scene for three hours.

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