Incident Detail: 2001 Call No. 25

Call No.  25
Time Out
Time In
 Barn Fire 
 5600 Route 209 

No Photo Available for This Incident

June 19, 2001

A first alarm assignment was dispatched for a barn fire at Mattern's in Loyalton. Companies 21 (engine, tanker, rescue), 22 (engine, tanker, truck), and 26 (engine, tanker) responded. County reported that a barn was fully involved, had spread to several vehicles adjacent to the barn, was endangering a home next to the barn, and had begun spreading through a field behind the barn. Engine-22, under the command of Lieutenant-22, was first on scene reporting that the barn was lost and requested a second alarm assignment plus additional brush units to stop the spread of the field fire. Several vehicles were on fire and personnel used what water they had to stop the advancement of the fire towards the house. Companies 20 (engine, tanker, truck, brush), 27 (engine, tanker), and 23 (engine, tanker, squad, brush) and brush 26 were dispatched. A tanker shuttle was set up and knockdown was achieved. A family dog perished in the barn, but the house was untouched and the field fire was stopped. Low manpower was a factor.

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